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    RENOLIT donation projects 2023

    20 December 2023 – Once again this year, the RENOLIT Group donates to charitable organisations at Christmas time.
    Below you can find a selection of our regional and international donation projects.

    RENOLIT SE, Worms donates to:

    Children Day Care “Lindwürmer” at Worms University of Applied Sciences

    On the campus of Worms University of Applied Sciences, the Student Union of Vorderpfalz runs the “Lindwürmer” daycare centre primarily for the children of students and parents employed by Worms University of Applied Sciences (but also for external parents if places are not filled by students). https://www.hs-worms.de/kita-lindwuermer/

    RENOLIT SE, Frankenthal donates to:

    Frankenthaler Tafeln

    The “Frankenthaler Tafel” is meant for all citizens with a low income. The “Frankenthaler Tafel” collects surplus, top quality food and spreads it to people in need in Frankenthal. www.tafel.de, www.malteser-frankenthal.de

    Street Doc

    Street Doc is a cooperative project providing health care for disadvantaged groups. Doctors and dentists offer free medical care at social hot spots in the city of Ludwigshafen and surroundings of the town. This offer is for homeless people, asylum seekers or people without medical insurance. www.foerdergemeinschaft.de  

    Donations were also made to Förderverein Friedrich-Ebert-Grundschule and Andreas-Albert-Schule, vocational school in Frankenthal

    RENOLIT SE, Waldkraiburg donates to:

    Volunteer fire brigade Waldkraiburg (Plastic Films to support flood protection)

    On the occasion of the flooding in the region, the RENOLIT Waldkraiburg donated 300 kilograms of plastic films to the Waldkraiburg volunteer fire brigade. The firefighters used the film to seal sandbag barriers to contain the flood water.

    RENOLIT Belgium N.V., Oudenaarde donates to:

    De Warmste Week

    The Warmest Week is VRT's (national TV & Radio station) solidarity campaign, which is organized annually in the week before Christmas. This year the theme is 'growing up without worries' and it is committed to a safe place for every child and young person. https://dewarmsteweek.be/


    RENOLIT Cramlington Limited, Cramlington donates to:

    Croft Community School

    A school for children with additional needs.  Money will go towards helping with breakfast club and rebound training which will allow them to offer additional therapy to the children.

    Feeding Families

    Feeding Families is a north east England charity that offers support, hope and security to those experience food poverty. Donations can be used to supply families with Christmas food boxes. www.feedingfamilies.org.uk

    Happy Days

    Happy Days organizes holidays and day trips for children with special needs. Working with children who may have profound and severe learning disabilities, life limiting conditions, social/emotional and mental health issues, young carers, victims of abuse.

    People’s Kitchen

    The charity provides hot meals and packages of clothing, toiletries, food, mobile phones and sleeping bags. They work with services to enable people to move off the streets and then we provide food, furniture and bedding to our Friends when they move into their first home.

    They also offer friendship and professional services to improve mental wellbeing.

    Sick Children’s Fund

    The Sick Children’s Trust is the charity that provides a welcoming ‘Homes from Home’  where families with a sick child in hospital can stay (rather than long distance travel, sleeping on hospital chairs or in hotels). The charity also offers financial and mental health support.  They have 10 homes in the UK including two in Newcastle, linked to the Freeman and RVI hospitals. www.sickchildrenstrust.org

    In addition, throughout November and December, our employees have been donating toys for the “Cash for Kids – Mission Christmas appeal”. This is a charity which looks to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in our community who are affected by poverty, illness, neglect, or have additional needs. The toys will be given to children who may have otherwise received nothing on Christmas Day.

    RENOLIT Chile SPA, Valparaiso donates to:

    „Proyecto del Colegio Pastoral”

    This project is led by Fray Manuel, a local fireman, who, with the assistance of the local community, manages to feed, daily 70+ families-in-need. Fray Manuel and a great team of volunteers cook a meal for 140+ people on a daily basis. For Christmas celebration, a special meal is made. This year, RENOLIT will donate a “pan de Pascua” (traditional Chilean cake for the holiday period) and a personal hygiene kit for each of the 76 families assisted by this project in 2023.

    RENOLIT Ibérica, S.A., Sant Celoni donates to:

    Red Cross Sant Celoni and Caritas Sant Celoni

    RENOLIT Ibérica, S.A.
    donates to the Red Cross and the Caritas organisation to support disadvantaged families in Sant Celoni.

    RENOLIT Ondex S.A.S., Quetigny donates to:

    RENOLIT Ondex donates to the Centre Georges-François Leclerc clinic for cancer research. http://www.cgfl.f

    American RENOLIT Corporation LaPorte donates to:

    Pax Center LaPorte

    As we do each year, our employees donate money to our annual employee selected charitable organization, and the company matches their donations. For 2023, we will be donating to the Pax Center in La Porte which provides hot meals, pantry items and essential items to community residents in need. With the employees donations and the company match, we will be donating $3000 in food and essential items (toiletries, diapers, canned goods, etc.). Furthermore, we have employees that will be donating their time at this organization serving hot meals during the holiday season.  At La Porte, we are very proud of our team and their desire to help our community! https://statestreet.church/thepaxcenter