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    Film expert with decades of practice

    RENOLIT Film Service celebrates 10th anniversary

    Worms, 20. April 2022 – Passing on expert knowledge. This has been the maxim of the RENOLIT Film Service since it was founded, and this year it is celebrating its tenth anniversary. The service department, which now has 15 employees, provides window manufacturers and system houses with the necessary tools for film repair and is also an integral part of RENOLIT's warranty system. Repairing the surface often saves having to replace the entire component if the profile has been damaged or incorrectly cleaned on site or burglars have left their mark.

    RENOLIT has been offering a repair service to customers since 1999.
    In 2012, RENOLIT Film Service became its own department - the picture shows its five "founding members".

    In the early days, warranties were at the origin of this service. "As part of quality assurance, we had already started working with self-adhesive exterior films at the end of the 1980s in order to use them to repair the laminating film on profiles," reports Harald Neunzehn. The head of the RENOLIT Film Service who has supervised and developed the repair techniques that are so successful today from the very beginning. In 1999, a repair service emerged from the initial phase, which customers could also make use of outside of a warranty. At that time, repairs were carried out exclusively on site, which meant that the employees involved were on the road non-stop.

    Training courses and service products

    With this background, RENOLIT developed a training concept, offered support for external companies and built up a stock of repair films. Today, a slitting service for customised film roll sizes as well as trade accessories such as Professional Cleaner, Professional Corner Pen, Professional Masking Tape and Detector complete the range of products and services. "The RENOLIT Film Service is synonymous with our company's customer orientation and service philosophy," states Stefan Friedrich, Exterior Solutions Manager. The response is correspondingly positive: currently, around 350 people take advantage of the training programme each year.

    In one-day workshops, the RENOLIT Film Service provides the necessary tools needed to repair films.
    The individual steps of a film repair are also presented by the RENOLIT Film Service during online seminars.

    Customers are trained in the company's own training centre located in Worms, Germany. "Additionally, we offer low-cost one-day seminars with a guided tour of the factory, online seminars or on-site training at the customer's premises," says Sales Manager Stefan Hiergstetter, who is responsible for the commercial aspects of the Film Service. Equipped with this know-how and a certificate of participation, the customers can then purchase and use the repair films. This saves long journeys and allows them to work directly on site for building owners and architects. In addition to the continuing education activities, the Film Service Team continues to help on construction sites all over Europe, in exceptional cases even worldwide.

    Both the training courses and the range of service products can be booked or ordered via the RENOLIT Online Shop

    Your contact person: 

    Harm Schumacher
    Redaktion für Wirtschaft + Technik
    Phone: + 49.9184.80 85 97

    The company

    The RENOLIT Group is a globally active specialist for high-quality plastic films, sheets and other polymer solutions. With more than thirty production sites and sales units in over twenty countries, and with annual sales of EUR 1,032 billion in fiscal year 2020, the company with headquarters in Worms – around 70 km south of Frankfurt-am-Main – is one of the world’s leading plastic products manufacturers. More than 4,800 employees continue to further develop the knowledge and expertise gained from seventy-five years of business.
