Karsten Jänicke

    Karsten Jänicke
    Член Исполнительного совета  

    Карстен Йенике родился в 1968 году в городе Камен в земле Северный Рейн-Вестфалия. Окончив в 1994 году Технический университет Дортмунда по специальности «контроллинг, маркетинг и логистика», он работал менеджером по качеству и руководителем аутсорсинговых проектов в компании Thyssen Haniel Logistic в Барселоне. В 2001 году он стал управляющим директором испанской бумажной типографии Lamigraf GmbH в Бёне, пока в 2008 году не перешел в компанию RENOLIT в Вормсе. Там он занимал должность руководителя подразделения бывшего BU RENOLIT DESIGN до 2019 года, когда он был назначен членом правления. В настоящее время Карстен Йенике является ответственным членом правления за стратегические рыночные подразделения Interior Surfaces, Roof & Water Care и Pool  а также для нескольких корпоративных подразделений.

    Карстен Йенике является почетным членом VinylPlus с октября 2023 года. Он является членом правления Vinyl Foundation и членом руководящего совета VinylPlus.

    Карстен Йенике женат, у него двое сыновей. Он увлекается такими видами спорта, как бег, футбол, настольный теннис, падел-теннис и сквош. Кроме того, он любит путешествовать, читать и время от времени ходить в кино.

    Коротко и просто:

    • В компании RENOLIT с 2008 года
    • Член Правления с 2019 года

    LinkedIn: Karsten Jänicke

    Статьи Карстена Йенике в блоге RENOLIT

    Karsten Jänicke


    Sustainability remains relevant even in volatile times

    The focus on sustainability and climate protection seems to be changing. Political programs and priorities are shifting, and in the face of numerous crises, the topic seems to be less present. In this article, I explain why sustainability and climate protection nevertheless remain of central importance – and why RENOLIT continues to pursue this path consistently.

    Karsten Jänicke


    The future of industry: a turning point for innovation and sustainability

    The future of the industry will not be characterized by stability, but by change and adaptation. In a world that is changing faster than ever before, companies are faced with the challenge of not only focusing on growth and market share, but also having the courage to break new ground. Innovation and future viability will be the driving forces that determine which companies survive in the long term - and which do not. From next year, I will be taking on responsibility as the new CEO of RENOLIT. These are my thoughts on the future of the industry and the future of RENOLIT. 

    Karsten Jänicke


    Leadership has to provide security

    Managers have the task of leading their employees to success. This depends on many factors. One of the most important is security. I notice over and over again that young people at the start of their career in particular don't have the confidence to contribute their ideas and take risks. That's why I keep asking myself: what can I do as a manager to give my employees more security?

    Karsten Jänicke


    Promoting young talents is an engine for the industry

    The success of German industry is based on the expertise of its many employees. The extreme shortage of skilled workers is consequently an unprecedented threat to the entire economy. Therefore, I am surprised that we in Germany place so little emphasis on promoting young talents. After all, it can act as an engine for industry. To achieve this, however, politics and business need to make more efforts together - instead of just relying on short-term solutions.

    Karsten Jänicke


    Gen-Z is placing new demands - Rightly so!

    Generation Z and the world of work - hardly anything has been discussed more in the area of work and careers in recent months. The debate ranges from sweeping accusations that Gen Z is work-shy to demands for completely new working conditions. One thing is clear: Gen Z is placing new demands. And I think: rightly so.

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