Michael Kundel
Председатель правления
Михаэль Кундель родился в Вормсе в 1964 году и в 1988 году окончил Университет прикладных наук в Вормсе по специальности «деловое администрирование». После окончания учебы он занимал различные должности в компании Rütgerswerke AG. Михаэль Кундель работает в компании RENOLIT с 1993 года. После более чем шести лет работы в должности руководителя отдела контроля он стал управляющим директором испанского подразделения RENOLIT Hispania S.A. В 2003 году Михаэль Кундель вернулся в штаб-квартиру RENOLIT в Вормсе и стал членом Правления, а в 2008 году был назначен Председателем Правления. В рамках своей деятельности в Правлении он отвечает за Exterior Solutions и Visual Communication Рыночные подразделения, а также некоторые корпоративные подразделения группы RENOLIT.
Работа ассоциации имеет большое значение для Михаэля Кунделя. Он входил в состав правления IVK Europe в течение 20 лет, восемь из которых он провел в качестве президента. В течение многих лет он также был членом правления EuPC и программы VinylPlus. В течение четырех лет он возглавлял EuPC. Он также является вице-президентом IHK Rheinhessen и членом Консультативного совета Lebenshilfe e.V. Worms.
За пределами RENOLIT Михаэль Кундель увлекается спортом и чтением. Он также семейный человек, которому нравится проводить время с женой и детьми и путешествовать вместе с ними.
Коротко и просто:
- В компании RENOLIT с 1993 года
- Член Правления с 2003 года
- Председатель Правления с 2008 года
Статьи Михаэля Кунделя в блоге RENOLIT
Today's world demands efficiency and competitiveness
The global economy is facing enormous challenges. Climate change, geopolitical crises, technological disruption and increasing competition are forcing companies to rethink their strategies. After years of steady growth, efficiency and competitiveness are becoming essential components for long-term success in this new reality. With this article, I would like to give an impulse to turn more attention to these fundamentally important success factors.
RENOLIT signs Antwerp Declaration for a European Industry Deal
To tackle the climate crisis, the European Union presented the concept of a Green Deal a few years ago. The aim is to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. We support this goal wholeheartedly. However, it is clear to us that this requires a strong industry - and this is currently under acute threat. That is why we have signed the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal.
A milestone on the road to 100% renewable energies for RENOLIT
We at RENOLIT know: The future must be sustainable. But climate protection in particular is a major challenge for an industrial company. We have now reached an important milestone on the road to 100 per cent renewable energy at RENOLIT. In this article, I describe what this looks like - and how we want to combine our further progress with maintaining our competitiveness.
Charter of the Economic Alliance for Democracy in Worms
We can all feel it: the democratic values that have enabled us to live in freedom, security and prosperity in recent decades are not only under pressure - they are under serious threat. We want to do something about this. That is why we have joined a new economic alliance for democracy here in Worms.
India and Germany: Entering a new era
While Germany is coming under increasing pressure as a business location, India is developing more and more from an emerging country into an economic power. This is a great opportunity for a company like RENOLIT - and a strong prospect for the European economy. Let's take advantage of it! In this article, I will highlight the dawn of a new era of economic cooperation and provide an insight into RENOLIT's goals in India.
Balancing family and career is a question of future viability
In recent years, family friendliness has become an increasingly important topic in business and politics. And rightly so - because family friendliness is becoming an essential factor for the future viability of companies and the entire business location.
The future of plastics: an outlook
The world is facing major challenges - and in some cases profound upheavals. What does this mean for the plastics industry - do plastics have a future and, if so, what does it look like?
In this article, I venture an outlook on upcoming trends and innovations in plastics.
Sustainability and climate protection need more target orientation
Climate protection and sustainability have been among the most important objectives of politics and business for several years. Nevertheless, the overall successes are still modest. One reason for this is the lack of target orientation. For more climate protection, clear priorities must be set and pursued.
Germany: We need more courage and speed
Germany is under economic pressure. Global crises, climate change, rising inflation rates and interest rate increases are putting the substance of our prosperity to the test. As CEO of a large medium-sized company in the plastics industry, I view this development with great concern.
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