A winning team!
The key to our success is a trusting and partnership-based co-operation, both within our organisation and with our business partners. Trust, respect and commitment are fundamental to this.
As a family company we bear a particular responsibility. Our good reputation is founded on the day-to-day commitment of our employees in their daily work. This Code of Conduct assists us in observing rights and complying with laws, in doing so caring for people and the environment. We foster employee interaction in our daily work that seeks to avert harm resulting from non-compliance of laws or a lack of transparency.
Trust, respect and commitment shape our corporate culture.
Your Executive Board of the RENOLIT Group
From left to right: Sven Behrendt, Karsten Jänicke (Chairman), Torsten Maschke, Thomas Sampers
1. Scope of application
Every employee of the RENOLIT Group must meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the Code may lead to isciplinary measures and legal consequences.
2. Laws and regulations
We adhere to values such as honesty, integrity and human dignity. The RENOLIT Group informs its employees about legal regulations, working conditions, environmental protection, anti-trust law, fair competition, the prevention of bribery and corruption and the protection and recognition of intellectual property.
3. Business conduct and reputation of the company
All employees are committed to acting responsibly and fairly in their daily business dealings with customers, suppliers, colleagues and all other stakeholders. All RENOLIT employees are ambassadors who contribute to the company’s reputation.
4. Dealings with third parties
4.1 Business partners, authorities and consumers
RENOLIT’s business practices are based on the universal values of fairness and honesty. We are trustworthy in our dealings with business partners, authorities and consumers and maintain political neutrality.
4.2 Competition and anti-trust law
National and international fair competition rules and anti-trust law are to be adhered to. Agreements on prices and conditions are not allowed. Allocations of customers and territories are also unlawful, as are the submission of sham bids for tenders or other forms of collusion with competitors.
4.3. Trade secrets
All trade secrets must be treated confi dentially. They must not be publicly communicated or passed on to third parties (except where a corresponding exemption applies). This provision shall continue to apply to employees after they end their employment with our company.
4.4 Granting and accepting benefits and gifts
Persons acting on behalf of RENOLIT must not use their official position to directly or indirectly promise, accept or demand benefits in an unauthorised manner (e.g. gifts of money or other benefits). This also applies to RENOLIT contracts with advisors, intermediaries or agents.
It is permissible to give and accept business gifts of minor value, provided that they do not give rise to any obligation. Where giving presents is a matter of courtesy in a country, it must be ensured that no obligations arise as a result and that the local laws and regulations are adhered to.
If in doubt, contact your supervisor or line manager.
4.5 Handling donations and sponsorship
The local management decides on any donations which are to be made. The amount to be donated is to be cleared with the Board. Donations to church institutions and political organisations such as parties, trade unions or NGOs are prohibited without exception. Sponsorship of sports associations and sporting events is not generally allowed. An exception however may be made for individual sporting events in which
there is a substantial participation of RENOLIT employees.
4.6 Money laundering
RENOLIT supports all measures required to prevent money laundering taking place in its sphere of influence.
4.7 Embargo and export control
RENOLIT complies with the regulations in the area of export control in national and international trade.
4.8 Avoidance of confl icting interests
In order to avoid any conflicts of interests or loyalty, RENOLIT must be informed of any secondary employment with or investments held in business partners or competitors of RENOLIT. This does not apply to exchange-traded securities.
5. Interaction with employees and colleagues
5.1 Principles of cooperation
- Internationally recognised human rights
- Core Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
- The ten principles of the UN Global Compact OECD guidelines for multinational companies
We oppose:
- Any form of human rights violations
- Forced labour
- Exploitation of children or young people in any form in the company or by business partners
5.2 Rights and responsibilities of employees
Personnel decisions are made on the basis of qualifications, performance records
and the required skills.
Employees must not participate in or support discrimination in any shape or form.
All employees have a right to:
- Fair treatment, courtesy and respect
- Equal opportunities
- Equal treatment
- Respect of personal dignity and privacy
All employees are obligated to:
- An objective, purposeful and partnership-based cooperation with managers, business partners and colleagues
- Demonstrate openness, respect and honesty
- Go about their work in a conscientious manner
- Contribute to a positive working environment
- Comply with the principles of the Code of Conduct
5.3 Health and safety of employees
All RENOLIT sites follow internal standards and applicable legal requirements in order to ensure the necessary occupational health and safety. Employees are to exercise due care in handling equipment and with regard to their own health and safety.
5.4 Particular responsibilities of senior management
Senior managers actively and rigorously pursue the set corporate objectives.
They additionally have the following responsibilities to:
- Duly consider their employees’ skills and interests
- Inform their employees about important matters in a timely manner and sufficient detail
- Delegate tasks, authority and responsibilities clearly and unambiguously
- Strengthen employee engagement and identification with the company
- Promote trusting relations with business partners and employees
- Refrain from exploiting employees who rank below them within the given hierarchic structure
- Challenge and support their employees on an individual basis and to appraise their performance fairly and regularly
- Treat all employees in a fair and objective manner
5.5 Salaries and working time
Important aspects of working conditions at RENOLIT:
- They are in accordance with local/legal requirements
- They are legally binding in accordance with customary practice in the country concerned
- Before signing an employment contract, employees must be informed in writing about the provisions of the contract and their pay
- Working hours must comply with the applicable national law
- Overtime must be undertaken in a legally compliant framework and therefore be properly requested and approved
6. Sustainability and protection of the environment
6.1 Sustainable business practice
Sustainable business practice is about meeting our responsibility towards society, our employees, consumers, owners and business partners with due regard to economical, ecological and social aspects. Our focus is on the conservation of resources and the innovation of environmentally sound products and processes. All RENOLIT sites observe both internal guidelines and legal requirements.
6.2 Handling chemicals
In dealing with hazardous substances, all laws and regulations applying to the purchase, storage, handling and transport of chemicals are to be adhered to. Employees who purchase, store, transport and use chemicals must be trained accordingly. Chemicals are to be stored, handled and transported in such a manner as to avoid pollutive impacts and to rule out any risk of ignition or explosion.
6.3 Hazardous and non-hazardous waste
In handling, storing, transporting, recycling and disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, all legal requirements must be met and all necessary licenses and approvals must be presented. Waste is to be stored, handled and transported in such a manner as to rule out any contamination of the air, soil or water and any risk to employees’ health and safety.
6.4 Fire protection
All RENOLIT sites must ensure compliance with all statutory and other legally binding regulations relating to fi re protection, reporting and inspection by the relevant authorities.
7. Handling company property
7.1 Software, e-mail, internet
The software used by the companies of the RENOLIT Group is protected by copyright. The applicable laws must be observed when using and copying computer software. The internet is to be used for business purposes only. Exceptions to this are stipulated in company agreements. On no account is information to be accessed or forwarded that advocates racism, glorifies violence or other criminal acts or whose content may be deemed indecent in the given cultural context.
7.2 Use of company property
Tools, equipment and materials provided by RENOLIT are to be handled with due care in an efficient and appropriate manner. Tools and equipment are not to be used privately, except where this is permitted in individual cases or by virtue of a company agreement.
7.3 Fraud, theft and misappropriation
The misappropriation of RENOLIT property is not permitted under any circumstances and will result in disciplinary and legal action.
7.4 Handling information
In the interests of maintaining a trustworthy and positive image for the company, all internal and external communications of the RENOLIT Group must be truthful and factually correct. The publication of company-related press releases requires prior approval from Corporate Communications at all times. Internal company information, such as trade and business secrets, which is entrusted to or made accessible to employees in connection with their work must not be passed on to third parties at any time.
The confidential handling of internal matters and sensitive information is essential to the ongoing competitive position of RENOLIT. The obligation to maintain confidentiality shall continue to apply beyond the period of employment with the company. The relevant provisions of the RENOLIT Data Protection Guidelines shall also apply. RENOLIT observes all obligations towards third parties regarding confidential matters and complies with the relevant statutory data protection regulations.
7.5 Effect on existing company agreements
Existing arrangements with employees’ representative bodies shall remain unaffected by this Code of Conduct.
8. Ombudsman’s office
RENOLIT employees who discover or seriously suspect any breaches of this Code of Conduct can refer such matters to Mr. Bolz as stated below, if necessary with the assistance of the local human resources management or employees’ representative body:
Mr. Alexander Bolz
Head of Internal Audit, Risk Management & Compliance RENOLIT Group
Tel.: +49.6241.303.1295
Where the reporting employee’s anonymity is to be safeguarded within the company, RENOLIT employees can speak to female or male contacts as necessary at the following external institution:
SZA Rechtsanwalts AG
Tel.: +800.101.101.11
Tel.: +49.621.496.378.43 (India, Mexico, Ukraine, Kazakhstan)