Sustainability remains relevant even in volatile times

A post by:     Karsten Jänicke
Last updated: 2024-12-09

The focus on sustainability and climate protection seems to be changing. Political programs and priorities are shifting, and in the face of numerous crises, the topic seems to be less present. In this article, I explain why sustainability and climate protection nevertheless remain of central importance – and why RENOLIT continues to pursue this path consistently.

The changing view of sustainability and climate protection

Not so long ago, the Fridays for Future demonstrations filled the streets of cities around the world, led by young people who put climate protection on the global agenda. The issue of climate protection dominated both the political and economic agenda, inspired youth movements and influenced international summits and decisions.

But today, I increasingly sense a kind of countermovement: In politics and partly also among the population, criticism is growing – and support seems to be crumbling. In the United States, a government is emerging that gives me the impression of being completely critical of climate protection.

But one thing is clear to me: this must not be an excuse for industry and business to scale back their commitment to greater sustainability. It remains the key to future viability. Now more than ever, we have to show that this attitude remains crucial.

The following arguments show why:

1. Our responsibility: Climate change is real

It is clear that climate change is real and cannot be ignored. Extreme weather events, melting glaciers and rising sea levels are a stark reminder of the urgency of the situation. For me, there is no question that we have to take responsibility – not just for ourselves, but above all for future generations. They should be able to live in a world worth living in, and it is up to us to make the right decisions today to ensure that, regardless of the current mood. 

2. Strengthen raw materials and energy independence

The increasing global tensions and geopolitical crises in particular are making it ever more clear how important it will be for companies to be independent of raw materials and energy. Supply chains are vulnerable, prices are rising, and dependence on certain resources carries major risks. For industrial companies like RENOLIT, sustainability therefore also means becoming more independent – by investing in renewable energies and local, renewable raw materials. This is how we ensure our stability and create a resilience that strengthens us even in turbulent times.

3. Sustainability is a driver of innovation

Sustainability challenges us to break new ground – and therein lies its enormous potential as a driver of innovation. If we want to operate and produce more sustainably, completely new approaches, materials and technologies are emerging. At RENOLIT, we see this challenge as an opportunity that drives us to constantly develop new products. In this way, our commitment to sustainability becomes a source of innovations that keep us competitive and create solutions for the future.

4. Increase efficiency and reduce costs

Sustainability and climate protection are often perceived as cost drivers – and yes, they do initially require investment. However, sustainable measures increase efficiency and reduce costs in the long term. By using resources such as energy and raw materials more consciously and developing innovative, resource-saving technologies, we can become more independent and save considerable sums in the long term. For RENOLIT, one thing is clear: sustainability pays off – economically and ecologically.

5. Long-term action to remain competitive

Even if sustainability seems to be less of a focus for some political actors at the moment, it is, of course, still crucial to our long-term competitiveness. Demand for environmentally friendly products and responsible companies is constantly growing, and partners and investors are also placing more and more value on sustainability. Companies that act now will secure a head start and build trust. For RENOLIT, sustainable action is therefore a strategic decision: those who set the right course today will survive in the market tomorrow – and be successful.

6. Preparation for future regulations and standards

Political priorities may change at short notice, but one thing is certain: the requirements for climate protection and sustainability will continue to increase in the long term. Regulations and standards are becoming increasingly stringent worldwide, and companies that act early have a clear advantage. At RENOLIT, we are therefore now focusing on sustainable strategies and technologies to not only meet current requirements, but also to easily fulfill future requirements. This is how we avoid subsequent adaptation costs and position ourselves as a future-oriented partner – independent of changing political currents.

Sustainability is a core corporate value - even in difficult times

For me, sustainability is more than just a strategic decision – it is a fundamental value of our corporate culture. It is precisely in uncertain times and changing conditions that it becomes clear whether a company truly stands by its principles. For me, therefore, one thing is clear: sustainability will remain a reliable foundation for RENOLIT. This value gives us orientation and stability and signals to our employees, partners and customers that we take responsibility – even when external circumstances fluctuate.

Conclusion: sustainability remains indispensable – today and in the future

Regardless of political or economic fluctuations and short-term changes, sustainability is an essential and long-term success factor for industry. The arguments on its behalf remain valid, especially in volatile times. That is why sustainability and climate protection are and remain a fixed value and success factor for RENOLIT.