RENOLIT ALKORCELL is a decorative polypropylene-based film for surface design applications. The versatile film is easy to process using flat lamination or thermoforming techniques. Produced using a unique combination of printing and shaping techniques, the films have an attractive haptic finish and are available in natural-looking wood or eye-catching patterns.
Want a little inspiration? Discover our latest stock products in creative presentation with exciting decor combinations in our RENOLIT ALKORCELL design book.
The design book also contains all stock decors at a glance.
See here our new design book and all our stock range designs.
RENOLIT ALKORCELL convinces with its versatile properties. The film has a barrier effect against water vapour and formaldehyde. The thermolaminate is ideally suited for the production of high-quality surfaces due to its properties:
Scratch Resistance
Abrasion Resistance
Chemical Resistance

Vapor Resistance

Mold Resistance
Light Resistance
Easy to Clean

Barrier against Formaldehyde

Free of Formaldehyde

Free of Plasticizers
Deep Embossing
Applications: | furniture, internal doors, walls, ceilings, drawers, consumer electronics, caravans, mobile homes |
Availability: | From stock or MTO |
Material: | PP, R-PP containing post-industrial-recyclate (available on request) |
Processing type: | 1D flat lamination, 2D covering, 2D post-forming |
Properties: | Scratch Resistance, Abrasion Resistance, Chemical Resistance, Waterproof, Vapor Resistance, Mold Resistance, Light Resistance, Easy to Clean, Barrier against Formaldehyde, Free of Formaldehyde, Free of Halogen Components, Free of Plasticizers, Variety of Designs, Deep Embossing, Soft-Touch Surface |
Surface: | wooden composite boards, lightweight panels |
Appearance: | wood and solid colours (with special texture) |
Roll length: | 500-800 linear metres, depending on design |
Delivery: | minimum 5,000 linear metres |