RENOLIT establishes a new Joint Venture in India
Expansion of geomembrane production capacities
Worms, July 18th, 2019 – RENOLIT has established a new Joint Venture in India with the aim of further expanding the production of geomembranes for the construction and civil engineering sectors. RENOLIT officially signed the contract on July 11, 2019 together with the Indian trading partner RMG POLYVINYL INDIA LTD. The Joint Venture with the name RENOLIT RMG INDIA PVT. LTD will be added to the Indian commercial register in the next few weeks.
Up to now, these sealing membranes which, for example, are used in tunneling work or for the sealing of building foundations, were only produced by RENOLIT in Spain. With the new Joint Venture, a future production location will be in India. “India is becoming increasingly important for RENOLIT. With this Joint Venture, we are investing in geomembrane production in Pune to correspondingly expand our range of products on the Indian market” says RENOLIT Executive Board Member Karsten Jänicke.
With the establishment of this Joint Venture, RENOLIT is pursuing a strategic goal: “As opposed to Europe, the population of India is growing as is the infrastructure requirement. Together with our long-term partner RMG, we will be manufacturing in India with European quality” explains Frédéric Weemaels, responsible Business Unit Manager.
At present, the company is in the construction phase. After the facility is built at the present RENOLIT sales location in Pune, production of geomembranes for tunnel construction and construction and civil engineering is planned to begin on January 1, 2021.
The Company
The RENOLIT Group is a globally-active specialist for high-quality films, sheets and other plastic products. With more than 30 locations in over 20 countries, and sales of EUR 1.031 billion in fiscal 2018, the company, headquartered in Worms/Germany, is one of the world’s leading processors of plastics. Over 4,700 employees are engaged in further developing the company’s 70-plus years of know-how. ꟾ Twitter ꟾ Facebook ꟾ LinkedIn
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