RENOLIT 3D PET Thermolaminates

RENOLIT thermoplastic 3D PET films are ideal for the three-dimensional shaping and wrapping of furniture, design objects and shop fittings or wall or ceiling elements. Used within the furniture, caravan and kitchen industry, RENOLIT 3D PET Thermolaminates can be shaped and cut to suit any carrier material and offer a wide range of surface and texture options. The product portfolio consists of a wide range of wood and stone designs with deep embossing for a realistic look and feel. Selected décors can be produced using synchronous EIR (“Embossed in Register”) technology. The synchronous pore EIR method creates a natural wood finish in virtually any shade or colour tone. 

RENOLIT 2024 年 PET 层压材料趋势手册

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Stain resistant



RENOLIT 3D PET Thermolaminates  
应用: 家具、厨房、大篷车、商店和商业地产
供货情况:  MTO
材料: PET
加工类型: 3D 热成型
特性: 表面稳定、抗划伤、易清洁、防指纹、可热成型
表面: MDF 
外观: 具有触感效果的木材和石材装饰
Roll length: 250 米(标准卷)
交货: 最低订购量 5.000 延米